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Human Capital ConsultingAssessmentsOrganizational Corporate LearningGamificationSMB SolutionsHumanitarian Leadership Development

In a 2023 survey conducted by the McKinsey Health Institute (MHI), two thirds of GCC residents experienced symptoms of poor mental health and wellbeing, and nearly as many experience physical health challenges, European numbers are about the same and according to a survey conducted by Slack, US numbers show slightly higher results.

How do you engage an anxious stressed workforce in change, transformation and learning objectives? One of the most effective ways to ensure the commitment of participants in behavioral programs is to gamify the process. The goal of gamification is to maximize engagement by capturing the interest of participants. By providing enjoyment, passionate involvement, structure, creativity, and social interaction while learning takes place. According to one HR research group, employees would like to see applications with more gamelike effects in their trainings and transformation initiatives. Per their research, using gamification in new employee training may provide the following boosts:

  • 62 percent increased motivation
  • 29 percent decreased boredom
  • 88 percent increased happiness at work
  • This belief lies in the idea that when learners engage and actively participate, they can simultaneously enjoy and acquire valuable learning outcomes. This powerful tool particularly becomes an unforgettable experience when contextualized to fit your culture and your objectives. For the past 10 years we have designed and delivered more than 90 gamified projects, be it from gamifying processes and procedures, to creating simulations targeting specific competencies or engaging teams in cohesion activities.